the back
side view
My dad helped cutting out the plexiglass.
The rubbermolding is rather huge and i wont tell you where i got it, hehe.
the baybus
The 12/7V baybus was the most difficult part on the case.
You have no idea how many wires there are in there, i mean really alot
It was a problem figuring out which switch controled which fan, so i put some
lettering on it (hard to see on the pics).
Some of the switches control the electronics in the case (on/off).
a peek through the window:
hello, anyone in there?
pic with latest hardware:
another peek
aarrrgh!! I really had to stress the system to get all these LED’s running:
‘Uller’s LED-Meter’ buttom/right, shows the CPU usage in Windows (100% on the pic).
The yellow LED (under the Power+HD) flashes during LAN/Internet activity.
92mm intake fan. The VU-Meter shows Volume output (like the ones on old stereo’s).
need to clean up the floor
The paintjob took about 3 weeks and lots of work.
The good painting guides and forums on the net helped alot.
System update!
Intel Pentium 4 2.4 @ 2.8
Asus P4B533
ATI Radeon 9700 Pro
512 MB Samsung PC2700 DDR Ram